Topic List

Child and Youth Affairs

Daily Lives Legal Issues

Matrimonial Matters

Properties Arrangements

What’s New

The Faculty of Law of University of Hong Kong runs a Free Legal Advice Scheme on campus under the Duty Lawyer Service. The objective of the Scheme is two-fold: (1) to offer preliminary legal advice to members of the University or the public having actual legal problems involving the laws of Hong Kong as to their legal position; and (2) through handling real cases, to allow our law students taking the Clinical Legal Education Course an opportunity to develop their lawyering skills and to promote pro bono culture. For more details, please click here.

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Increase of civil jurisdictional limits of the District Court and the Small Claims Tribunal has commenced since 3 December 2018. For more details, please visit here for more details.

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The Administration Wing of the Chief Secretary for Administration’s Office has launched a scheme to provide free legal advice on civil procedures for litigants in person who are involved in legal proceedings in the District Court or higher courts and have not been granted legal aid. For more details, please click here.

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All FamilyCLIC 100 Q&A booklets were given out. Thank you for your support. To read the contents of the booklet, please refer to “FAQ” of each topic in this website.

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